Poppy Lodge
Poppy Lodge is a specialist registered Children home that provides a service to support up to six children and young people, male and female, who present with learning disabilities and autism and associated behaviours. Poppy Lodge is in Telford and is a purpose built fully accessible six bedroomed bungalow with all bedrooms having en-suites.
The home benefits from a skilled, well trained and committed staff team who offer various methods to enable all children to be able to communicate effectively using a total communication approach for none verbal children to allow the right combination based on the individual’s needs. The home can source child and need specific training to ensure each child living at Poppy Lodge has all their individual needs met.
We offer a free assessment service to establish compatibility and ability to meet the needs of the child and will submit a written report for the local authority.
Parents, siblings, carers and friends are all encouraged to play their part and make a significant contribution to the success of our homes.
- Established highly skilled Management team
- A fully trained knowledgeable staff team
- Child specific training can be resourced
- Fully wheelchair accessible throughout the home
- Sensory room and large garden both of which are accessible for wheelchairs
- Excellent links to schools (SEN) all of which have a rating of Good with Ofsted
- Good access to health services
- Provide the opportunity for each young person to experience stability, a sense of belonging, identity and self-worth.
- Communication methods used include, PECS, Makaton, widget, smart box and mind of my own apps